Life Lately: March 2024
I had big plans for this post because March is my birthday month. It’s always a great time for new beginnings right?! I’m starting a new series on this blog of the little things that make my life. Most are simple things as I belive in slow living and thrive on routines. But some are big like trips or fun weekend activities.

Earlier this year I lost my Facebook & Instagram accounts (got hacked then Meta disabled them! 😢) and with that, I lost all of my photos and memories I had throughout the years. That made me decide not to rely on social media to document the shenanigans that I want to remember and document.
Like the saying goes “don’t build your house in borrowed land”. Hence why I decided to start my new series: Life Lately. A once a month update 😊.
Let’s get this party shall we? Here is a recap of our March shenanigans.
Adventures & Fun things
On March 25th we went to the convent and a hike in the arriba. That adventure deserves its own post so stand by for more amazing photos!

The window will be used for food photos!
We had dinner with our BFFs Paul & Tim. They’re both wonderful hosts and always go out of their way to make their guests feel special. They served a salad that I’m still dreaming about and Paul cooked a delicious chicken meal. Everything was delicious!

I also hosted my first ladies brunch in Portugal! Filled with some amazing women I have gotten to know well while living here. We had sooo much food!

Life with the Cats
Nothing new with Quebedo and Harley. Well, other than the fact that Quebedo decided to join Harley on the same bed! That’s huge progress! They have been together for over a year and he still just tolerates her. Quebedo is not very fond of her and not affectionate at all towards her. I think he only likes people lol!
My Birthday
There is really not much to talk about. I decided I wanted to stay home and enjoy a quiet evening. We had plans to go to Lisbon to my favorite Italian restaurant but it has been so rainy that my mood was for a cozy night instead.
Paul brought us Madia’s pizzas,our favorite place in Setubal. We set lit some candles, played Italian music and enjoyed some delicious red wine. A very romantic setting at home was exactly what I needed that night. Oh and dessert was cannolis!